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Our Policies For Our Nation


India is a secular, democratic state in which all religions, castes, creeds and sects have a positive role to play. The nation is currently rent with dissension with the majority community pitched against the minorities, the minorities against each other, caste versus caste and creed against creed.


  1. Ensure that the state is truly secular
  2. See that the minorities and backward are taken to purge from the administration all elements with a communal bias.
  3. Give equality and freedom in matters of religion to all creeds - Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Parsis, Jains, Buddhists and others so that every section of society gains a feeling of participation in the building of the nation.


The ailments in India out of the parallel economy that dominates our economic scene. The parallel economy is the mother of black marketing, hoarding, inflation, price rise, wasteful expenditure, and non-generation of employment. Nothing can be achieved without dealing with this menace. All attempts of the Government of suppress it have so far proved unequal to the challenge. Measures like voluntary disclosures and bearer bond schemes have not been able to unearth even a fraction of the unaccounted and concealed currency. The remedy, has to be acidic. The Party will consider taking the drastic step of demagnetization to end the evil of black money. However adequate will be given and sector allocations will be made in the deep rural areas where industrialists will be allowed to locate small and medium lauding intensive industries in a given period. These measures will not only destroy the parallel currency but will also give an immediate boost to employment oriented industries.

The KARNTIKARI JAI HIND SENA recognizes that corruption has become endemic, and must be eradicated immediately. Corruption takes two forms: a quid pro quo in terms of money being passed for favours given; and deliberate administrative malfeasance which denies a just and equitable access to opportunity and public justice. To counter this, the JAI HIND SENA proposes.

a. To amend the definition of “Public Servant” in the Indian Penal Code to make it wide enough to include Ministers, Members of Parliament, Member of Legislative Assemblies, office bearers of pubic undertakings (including banks and financial institutions), the directors of such institutions office bearers of governmental or semi-governmental bodies, members of local self-governments and members of the District, Block and Village Panchayats. The definition should include who, because of his position, and/or association with a governmental or semi-governmental organization, can abuse his position. The Prevention of Corruption Act will be made stricter both in procedure and practice and punishment for the offence of corruption and bribery shall be life imprisonment.

b. The office of Ombudsman (LokAyukta) will be enshrined in the constitution. The Ombudsman will enjoy the same status and constitutional protection as the Chief Justice of India and will report directly to Parliament. He will have the authority to speak from the floor of both Houses of Parliament (but without the right to vote). Mutatis Mutandis, the post of Ombudsman would have wide ranging powers to enquire into complainants, even sue moto, about anyone except the President, the Vice -President, the Speaker of the LokSabhaand the State VidhanSabha, the vice-president, the Speaker of the LokSabha and of the State VidhanSabha, the Chairman of the state VidhanPariishad, the Governor of a state, the Chief Justice of India and the Chief Justice of the State High Courts. On a prima face case being established by the Ombudsman, he would have the authority to sanction prosecution where corruption or misuse of office is involved. Such cases may not withdrawn by the Government. These cases will be tried by special tribunals, not below the rank of a District and Sessions Judge, to be appointed by the Ombudsman in consultation with Chief Justice of India. There will only be one appeal against the orders of the tribunal, to the State High Court where the prosecution has been launched by the State Ombudsman and to the Supreme Court of India where the prosecutions has been launched by the entrant Ombudsman.


The future of India lies in its youth. The spirit of optimism, hope and enthusiasm needs to be rekindled. Plagued by the highly defective educational system, faced with a future in which meaningful employment is denied them, exploited by politicians, and bereft of values, the youth of India has naturally gravitated beefier towards way wardens and violence. It will be the primary object of the KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA to fight for the dignity of youth and to restore it to its legitimate place in the national policy. The KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA will therefore mobilize the youth for national service. The KRANTIKARI JAI HIND SENA will depend mostly for the principles of national integrity and social welfare of the country.


The first plan of the KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA employment policy is to give the youth job-oriented education. The present educational system produces thousands of clerks every year with meaningless degrees. This will have to be totally revamped.

  1. The KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA will strive to remove the disparity between university and university, urban and rural school, urban and rural health centers.
  2. All education up to the high school level will be free
  3. We propose to have technical career-oriented education from the 6th standard. All universities will have career-oriented technical subject. For people who leave schools after the sixth standard, there will be special one year schools to train them for lower levels of employment. These will be called junior technical schools.

The accent will be on establishing schools and adults educational centers as fast as possible. Until then, the existing educational institutions, in addition to their normal classes, will run extra shifts for vocational training. Among the educated unemployed, those who have the aptitude for vocational training will get immediate job-orientation training and the others can be trained for teaching. In a time-bound programs to eradicate illiteracy, the educated unemployed can be involved as teachers_ providing them with jobs immediately.

  • Social work would be a compulsory subjects in both schools and colleges. The N.S.S. and NCC, with its accents on rural camps, will be compulsory in the last three years of school and in college.
  • The KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA plans an increase in agricultural and veterinary colleges. And special sports universities with all the attendant facilities for gifted children.
  • Village schools will be the centers of development. The ultimate aim is to have one school per village
  • Captivation fees will be abolished with the student getting admission on merit only. Scholarships and educational opportunities will be increased so that the poorest section can educate its children till the highest level.
  • The National Loan Scholarship Scheme will be put into effect where interest-free loans will be given to the students who will reply them to the Government when they get employment. If a student become a teacher, however, he will get yearly remissions on the loans.
  • There will be a National Students Boards to look after the problems of students all over India.
  • The KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA will ensure reasonable remuneration to teaches and protect through legislation the security of their services.
  • Teachers’ training centers will be increased and improved.
  • For those cannot attend colleges, there will be a national correspondence university, using All India Radio and Doordarshan as a medium to reach the furthest corner of India. Cheap, standardized text books will be provided. There will be cultural youth festivals , national integrity camps and organized group activities for the youth every year both at the rural and the metropolis level. By education, training and health care, the youth will be given a place in the nation’s functioning. By active parti8cipation on sports and physical training, compulsory social work, youth festivals etc., a spirit of élan vital will be built up, besides a feeling of active participation in the affairs of the nation. Youth hostelswill be increased in towns and cities for students andapprentices.


The second plank of the KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA employmentpolicy is the creation jobs. It is a national shame that 55 years after Independence , the educated unemployed is at about 80 % educated (matriculates and graduates). The unemployed are a wasted asset and therefore a drain on the economy. Though the governmental has paid lip service to the problem of unemployment non of its economic planning has kept this problem as its focus. The priority of the KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA is to eliminate unemployment through creating opportunities in industry, accelerated agricultural techniques which will ring more land under cultivation and consequently provided more jobs, and also through various employment guarantee schemes.


A project report prepared several years ago envisages harnessing the rivers in this country to generate large-scale employment. Once the project is brought to fruition, there will be tremendous benefit and floods and drought will be controlled. India will be in a position to export grain. 540 million acres will be retrieved and cultivated, which will be able to accommodate 90 crore people in agriculture alone. The project will be divided into three phases.

  • IN the first year, Army, State, PWD, Central PWD, Municipal and other government engineers and engineering students will survey and mark the course of the canal and its depth. These will take a maximum, of two years .In the same phase, the army will also start recruiting 20 million young people from the age group of 18-30 with the incentive, that, on completion of the project, they can settle down on the land. They will be paid an appropriate wage.The Army will also experiment by selecting one mile of canal length in each state and digging it with all the irrigation amenities attached for 300 days and one dry season. This will give an exact idea of the requirements of machinery and the labour force to be utilized.
  • The second phase will be the digging of the canal, the building of the embankments the construction of railway lines and highways on the embankments, the building of the rivers and building of bridges across the canal, the building of the river and building of the rivers and building of bridges across the canal, the building of subsidiary canals, and the construction of power house and connecting them with grids, laying pipeline and preparing land for agriculture four miles broad and 8400 miles long on both sides of the canal embankment for the first recruits to settle upon.Then, a further two crore recruits will be selected by the army.
  • The third stage will cover the preparation of the 4 mile broad and 8400 miles long strip for agriculture on which 2 crore individuals will be settled every few years. The ultimate aim is 30 crore families with 2 children each.

Indian rivers are an inexhaustibleresourceswhich have been ignored in the 35 years. Rivers waters should be treated as the common wealth of the nation. Disputes between one state and another cannot be allowed to keep river waters unused. Therefore, after declaring the river waters as national wealth, immediate steps will be taken for examining the above Garland scheme, or to work out similar schemes. This will be one of the long-term programmers, but a sure step to solve the interrelated problems of poverty, famine, drought and unemployment.


Our policy towards overseas Indian deserves mention. There are more than 10 million Indians living abroad. Those who have settled In the U. S.A. are known as a group that has the highest per capita income in that country. All over the world Indians have earned a name for themse3lves in commerce and industry. Today, instead of depending on foreign powers for our balance of payment loans, we have a much better substitute in our overseas Indians who do not ask for political concessions and have the capacity concessions and have the capacity to finance our most ambitious project, like the Garland Canal Project, the expansion of 0.4% of world trade. India today has fallen behind in its exports. The figure stands at could be revitalized with modern technical know how.

The piecemeal concessions offered from time to time by the government of India and the unstable industrial climate have so far not tempted Overseas Indians. The KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA proposes that:

  • Overseas Indian be allowed to hold dual citizenship
  • Investments be attracted by giving maximum facilities.
  • Barriers in attracting remittances be removed.

Facilities for deposits and withdrawals of remittances would be made as smooth as the operations in local banks. Special incentives will be given for overseas Indian starting industries here with new technology, especially in engineering, medicine, chemicals and fertilizer , electronics etc.

An independent department will be created to solve the problems of overseas Indian in dealing with the Finance Ministry, Home Ministry and External Affairs Ministry.


A country prospers if its economy prospers. 70% of India’s people depend on agriculture for their survival and, unfortunately, it is still caught in the cycle of flood and famine. Unless agriculture is given priority and organized in such a way that it brings prosperity to the villages, the nation will always remain poor and backward. The farmer is the backbone of our country; his upliftment is the country’s upliftment. To make the rural sector attain its optimum production, the party will take the following measures:

  • The extension of irrigation facilities and electrification of rural areas will be accelerated. Initially the accent will be on small and medium irrigation works like tubules, bunds, canals and sprinkler irrigation projects. Specific and large allocations will be made for small irrigation projects. Agriculture and irrigation will be clubbed together at the ministry level.
  • To aid fares, the scheme for consolidation of holding will be extended to the whole country so that fragmented holdings become a thing of the past.
  • The public distribution system will be improved and expanded. The Food Corporation of India and State Food Corporations’ distribution base will be expanded to include crops other than grain.
  • There will be a quantum jump in modern intensive agricultural research and the results of this research will be made available to farmers in the form of improved agricultural techniques, updated machinery, seed and fertilizers, cropping patterns, plant protections, methods of storage etc. There will be training camps for farmers once a year. There will also be an increase in agricultural universities.
  • The system if agricultural credit will be completely reorganized in order to ensure that every farmer, big or small, has access to that necessary amount of credit which permits him to increase productivity. The system of pricing agricultural goods will be reviewed. The Agricultural Prices Commission will be given the same constitutional position as the Finance Commission and its recommendations will be binding. It will have fair representation from the farming community. The policy will be to encourage predetermined cropping patterns and to encourage greater productivity by ensuring fair prices for agricultural commodities. Support prices fore agricultural produce will be fixed and announced before the beginning of the sowing season. The states will be under obligation to buy the agricultural produce at the support prices fixed by them and private buyers should not be allowed to buy below that price.
  • A National Land Use Commission will be set up which will ensure that productive land is not taken out of agricultural production. This Commission will be required to do spatial planning in terms of allocation land for various activities. Small-scale industries based near agricultural sectors will mainly be based on agricultural produce.
  • Necessary agricultural activities such as daring, pasture development, fisheries and poultry keeping will be encouraged to supplement agricultural income. Support infrastructure will be made available . There will be crop and cattle insurance.
  • The development of a rural infrastructure in terms of roads, maids, field delivery systems of irrigation facilities, service centre for extension of all credit facilities, seed and fertilizer will be ensured.
  • All wasteland which is capable of bearing crops will be converted into State farms, with the landless being employed as part shareholders.
  • There will be a strong thrust towards developing the social infrastructure in villages in terms of education, health care, protected water supply, biogas, village housing, etc. This would be combined with an aggressive policy for the location of appropriate industry in rural areas. Special and attractive incentives will be offered to new units volunteering to set up in the deep rural sector.
  • The states will be under obligation to procure stocks of essential commodities. Subjects to this, inter-state movement of agriculture produce will be allowed, removing uncalled for restrictions except in times of flood and drought.
  • There will emphasis on import substitution in agriculture. Instead of importing grains at high prices structure will be given to our farmers to grow more grain. Special export promotion councils for agricultural products.
  • To attract agricultural income to industrial investment and thereby add to productivity the JAY HIND SENA proposes that investment’s in securities, deposits, debentures etc. of certain core industries likecement, steel, power should be fully exempted from income tax. Agricultural income which is not otherwise invested funds. Against the current assessment of Rs 18 crores, the government will be able to attract hundreds of crores of unitized money to industrial investments.


Industrial development also needs a great many changes to bring it to optimum production. The building up of an employment infrastructure in the urban areas is essential. For this purpose the KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA proposes the following measures:

  • The setting up of a National Commission on Industry which will prepare a long term plan in terms of identification of industry, location, infrastructure requirements, etc. The National Commission would in clued not only bureaucrats, but eminent economists, technocrats and representatives of industry and labour. The accent will be on small and medium decentralized units.
  • On the basis of the recommendations of this Commission, the industry will be allowed to locate in predetermined areas with a minimum of intervention.
  • The industrial licensing system will be reoriented. Anyone wishing to set up an industry with hi own money or with funds from lending institutions on the basis of the viability of his project will have a minimum of controls or restrictions to obtain his licenses or permits except in relation to items of strategic importance. The National Commission on Industry would determine the licenses and control structure. The National Commission will also act as the co coordinating body in terms of extension of infrastructural facilities to act as the coordinating body in terms of extension of infrastructural facilities to industry so that the various agencies functioning on this behalf work towards a common objective.
  • High technology items requiring investment of foreign exchange will have relaxation of controls only if the bankable projects report of the unit provides for the export of its products to a minimum of 25% of the projected production at a rate which covers the total import content in a given time.
  • Multinationals today are misusing their positions rather than using it for advancement of high technologies in the country. Their field of operation will be restricted to modern high technologies which will help in augmentation of exports.
  • (f) There will be vigorous programmers for the elimination of obsolescence in industry, up gradation of technology and either renovation of sick units or their replacements by other units having greater viability. Greater incentives for R & D will be offered.
  • (g) There will be a system of incentives and disincentives aimed at encouraging full utilization of installed capacity. There will also be a system of incentives given to any industry which decentralizes its ancillaries in rural areas. Special incentives to industries based in the deep rural sector will be given.
  • (h) Central government undertakings, numbering about 200 with over Rs.2000 crore of investment and employing 18.5 lakh people, have collectively been making huge losses every year. The grand total expenditure on the entire public sector in the Central and State spheres works out to Rs.45,000Crores. Their working needs to be toned up.

The thrust to the public sector activities came from the Industrial Policy Resolutions adopted by the Government of India in 1948 and 1956 in which certain items fell into exclusive State responsibility while another list categorized such items that would be progressively State owned and generally established through State enterprise, while private enterprise was expected to supplement the efforts of the State. List a included arms and ammunition, atomic transport, atomic energy, railway transport, air transport, generation and distribution of electricity, iron and steel, aircraft manufacture, ship/building, coal and lignite, mineral oils, heavy castings and forgings of iron and steel, heavy plant machinery required for iron and steel production, iron ore, manganese and chrome ore, gypsum, sculpture, gold, diamonds, heavy electrical plants including large hydraulic steam turbines, mining and processing of copper, lead, zinc, tin, molybdenum, wolfram etc. List B had minor minerals, aluminum and non-ferrous metals, tools and tool steels, manufacture of drugs, dyestuffs, plastics, fertilizers, synthetic rubber, carbonization of coal, chemicals pulp, road transport and sea transport.

With the poor performance of the Government undertakings, a review of the above policy and items is called for, when these resolutions were framed, capital formation was very low, industrialists were wary of entering the market and the State kept to itself strategic and core sectors.

The KRANTIKARI JAY HIND SENA proposes that the policy be reviewed as following:

  • While all arms and ammunition, atomic energy and allied items of defense will be retained in the public sector, whenever the private sector wants to enter other industries and viable project reports are submitted, they should be permitted top enter into these lined. This will end monopoly, results in better efficiency and the consequent creation of wealth at rates far higher than the current public sector level. The reasoning that malpractice’s and illegalities will operate in the private sector should not be tenable as the governments will activate its own machinery to ensure that private sector management operate within the law.
  • The management of the public sector will be totally professionalism. A service called the India Management Service will be formed with the existing incumbents as the base so that individual managers who have been tested in one unit can also be sent to another. Only such managers will be liable for termination who have been tried in one or more units and have been found deficient in performance or conduct. The termination during the tenure will be subject to a review by the same body who recommends selections and the recommendations of this Committee will be accepted by the Appointment Committee of the Cabinet before implementation.
  • Project report submitted by the public-sector units are subjected to multilevel scrutiny in the government. This should be limited to one window where the project report is deposited and within aperiod of three months a government decision will. Experts from appraising committees will sot for collective judgments on projects.
  • A system will be established so that on an anticipated demand for a five year period in a public sector unit, allocation of resources year by year will be sanctioned. Within such resource allocation iot will be left to the Company Board to formulate and finally section project reports so that it is not necessary for each project to be delayed while it is reviewed by government and the cabinet.
  • One of the important functions of the National Commission will be to review and revive the viability of the existing small and medium sick units, thereby providing employment, increasing production and utilizing the blocked funds.Unproductive, non-development expenditure by the government would be reduced to make funds available for developmental projects.


To maintain economic progress, it is necessary to maintain industrial harmony and to remove exploitation of labour. To provide adequate motivation all levels from to management to the lowest level workers a system of rational and practical involvement in the process of management from shop floor to board room would be evolved. Joint Management Councils will be provided by law in every industrial unit employing more than 200 employees. Labour law requirements envisaged by the Justice D.A. Desai Committee in Gujarat will be taken as a model for industrial labour law, and will include provision for:

  • Suspension of the worker pending the litigation in the labour court.
  • Payment of full salary if proceedings are delayed for more than one year
  • Suitable amendments to the Industrial Disputes Act. payments of Wages Act and the law regarding gratuity and pension.
  • Provision for housing schemes by the industry for its workers and transport facilities
  • Labour to intervene in the proceedings for closure of the units initiated by the management
  • The representative character of the unions will be determined by ballot vote from among the subscribers.


Energy is the most vital input in all activity in this country. Oil exploration, power projects (hydraulic and thermal) will be fully exploited and there will be a major thrust towards renewable and alternate energy sourceswhich can be adopted directly art the village level. Stress will be laid on maximum utilization of installed capacity in power house.